




 Change of guard in         Bangladesh not a cause for       worry for India

Says Shashi Tharoor, fears Pakistan and China may 'fish in troubled waters'

Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor today said the change of guard in Bangladesh is not a cause for worry for India.

Asked by NDTV about his views on how the developments in Bangladesh would impact its ties with India, he said, "Our fundamental interest lies in close and friendly relations with Bangladesh. Our basic commitment is to the well-being of Bangladeshi people. The state comes second, and any individual leader comes third."

"We are with the people of Bangladesh. We were with them in 1971, and we have been with them through thick and thin. Even when they had governments who were less than friendly to us, we have managed to keep our relationship on an even keel, and certainly, there should be no deterioration in that relationship in time to come," he added.


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